This article below was published on Seikyo Shimbun (in Japanese) on 19 Nov 2023 announcing the passing of Ikeda Sensei.
Daisaku Ikeda Sensei Passed Away
The unparalleled leader in the history of Buddhism
The great undertaking of kosen-rufu carried out by the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple
Honorary President of Soka Gakkai and President of Soka Gakkai International, Daisaku Ikeda Sensei passed away from old age in the evening of 15 November at his residence in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He was 95 years old. On November 17, the funeral service was held with the attendance of only close relatives. Ikeda Sensei joined Soka Gakkai at the age of 19. He was trained under second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda Sensei. He has devoted his youth to the lifelong aspiration of kosen-rufu that his mentor upheld. He succeeded Toda Sensei and was inaugurated as Soka Gakkai 3rd President at the age of 32. He has since been travelling around the world to achieve worldwide kosen-rufu, and create a great expansion in the solidarity of peace to spread to 192 countries and regions.
Daisaku Ikeda was born on 2 January 1928 in current Ota Ward, Tokyo. He was an unparalleled leader in the history of Buddhism.
On August 14, 1947 (the same year as 22), he had a fateful encounter with the Soka Gakkai 2nd President, Josei Toda Sensei and took up faith 10 days later on August 24.
Inherited the wish of Soka Gakkai 1st President Tsunesaburo Makguchi, Toda Sensei entrusted the future of kosen-rufu to him. On May 3, 1960, he was inaugurated as Soka Gakkai 3rd President. Under the leadership of Ikeda Sensei who engraved the rigorous spirit of Makiguchi and Toda Sensei and persevered in the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple, Soka Gakkai has made great strides in its development.
Komeito Party was founded in 1964. Ikeda Sensei was inaugurated as SGI President in 1975, Soka Gakkai Honorary President in 1979, and has expanded the network of peace, culture, and education to the world while engaging in dialogues with leaders and thinking people from various fields.
He established educational institutions such as Soka School System and Soka University, Min-On Concert Association, and Tokyo Fuji Art Museum. He was conferred with over 400 honorary academic titles and 800 honorary citizenships.
As a result of Ikeda Sensei’s ungrudging struggles, the solidarity of Soka Gakkai members have now expanded to 192 countries and regions in the five continents. Sensei’s daring undertaking in elevating the Buddhist philosophy of the sanctity of life in the spirit of the age and making Soka Gakkai soars into a world religion will shine in the eternal future.
Upon Ikeda Sensei’s passing, Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada gave a statement.
Mrs Ikeda also made the following statement.
“My husband was so sickly that his doctor told him he probably wouldn’t live to 30. But thanks to his faith and the guidance and training of Toda Sensei, he was able to live a long life and fulfill his mission.
More than 10 years ago, he shared that he would always be taking the lead for kosen-rufu in accord with the eternal nature of life expounded in Buddhism. He was completely serene and confident, having been able to entrust his entire spiritual legacy to succeeding generations.
I offer my sincere gratitude to all the fellow members who have supported and worked alongside him in a shared commitment to kosen-rufu.”
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