Tohoku YWD pioneer member who exerted herself wholeheartedly to introduce Buddhism to others amidst barrage of criticism and abuse.

In November 1962—in the month marking the anniversary of the Soka Gakkai’s founding – we attained a membership of 3 million households, a goal whose realisation President Toda had entrusted me with before his death. I cannot forget the vigorous contributions made to that goal by the young women’s division members in the Tohoku region. 

There was one YWD leader from Miyagi Prefecture who was also a pioneering member of the fife and drum corps. Undeterred by the barrage of criticism and abuse directed at the Gakkai, she exerted herself wholeheartedly to introduce Buddhism to others. She declared with a cheerful smile: “A youth spent working to spread the Mystic Law is one of unending challenge.” She is still active in our movement today as a Many Treasures Group member. 

As Tohoku seeks to rebuild in the wake of the devastating March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, this dedicated pioneer member continues to encourage those around her, help others form a connection with Buddhism, and expand the circle of trust and friendship for our movement in her community. She is joined in these efforts by her two sons, who, incidentally, are leaders in the youth division Music Corps. “Sharing the Daishonin’s Buddhism with others,” she says, “is the way to build true peace and happiness. As long as there are people in this world, I will continue talking to them about Buddhism.” All of our members who brim with this Gakkai spirit remain ever youthful.