“I promise!” Ikuko said resolutely, her eyes shining with determination.

After several members asked questions about their personal struggles, Ikuko raised her hand. “Sensei!” she called out. “Was Joan of Arc a real person?”

It was a question out of the blue, and some of the members gave the girl a strange look. Shin’ichi, however, smiled and nodded. With a heartfelt wish for Ikuko’s growth, he earnestly proceeded to answer her question. I hope that you will have the same spirit throughout your life and strive tirelessly for the people’s welfare and for peace, finding your own happiness at the same time. Please promise me you’ll become a Joan of Arc of the Mystic Law.”

“I promise!” Ikuko said resolutely, her eyes shining with determination.

When the discussion meeting was over, Shin’ichi looked at Ikuko and said: “Good-bye, Joan of Arc!” Ikuko cherished Shin’ichi’s guidance throughout her life. She firmly vowed to become a Joan of Arc of the Mystic Law, working for the happiness of all people. In later years, she became a nationwide young women’s division leader and then a women’s division leader. She intrepidly led the way on the front lines of the kosen-rufu movement, holding aloft the banner of the people’s victory.