Kouame Rémi Koffi, Headquarters Leader, SGI Côte d’Ivoire

I attended the monthly Headquarters leaders’ meeting in March 2004. Though I was a member who had just begun practising Buddhism, much to my surprise, SGI President Ikeda invited me to the platform and gave me a laurel crown as the representative of SGI members from the 50 countries and territories, who were then staying in Japan. I keenly felt his fatherly sincere compassion as well as his warm encouragement for Africa, the “continent of the 21st century”.

At this time. I pledged to myself to join the noble cause carried forward by the SGI leader who dedicates himself to the well-being of humanity and demonstrates the way of mentor and disciple.

After returning home, I visited members’ homes and held dialogues with each of them. Now our organisation has grown from 1200 members to 2800. For the future as well, I will be with Mr Ikeda in faith, thereby able to overcome any geographical distances and achieving success after success. (Jan 2008)