Billy Jay Marion, Former Pilot for a Private Airline Company

Before boarding, SGI President Ikeda politely expressed his appreciation to me and my flight crew, saying, “Thank you very much for all your effort. I really appreciate all of you.” I had flown many times with government officials and famous people, but I had never encountered a guest as polite as the SGI President.

There was a situation once when a storm engulfed the plane, and I had to use all my concentration and skills to get us through the thick clouds and heavy rain. I managed to minimize the sway of the plane hull and to make a successful landing at our destination. After the flight, Mr and Mrs Ikeda thanked us for our flying. He praised us, saying, “Thank you very much for your skilled navigation. You are a truly great pilot.”

When the plane approached Veracruz, Mexico, one of the air controllers said over the radio, “Welcome to Veracruz, Mr and Mrs Ikeda. Some 300 people are waiting for you at the airport.” I was very surprised that there were so many members who were eager to welcome SGI President Ikeda and his wife. On a later flight to Los Angeles. I went to visit them from the cockpit and gave him my favourite basketball cap. The following year, he kindly referred to my gift in his essay writing, “I still wear the basketball cap the captain gave me. I feel as if we are always flying the skies of the world together.” I feel pride in having flown with SGI President Ikeda and having taken part in his travels for peace. I still cherish a published photo album he once gave me and share it with people who visit my home.