Like the sun that is always shining, victory belongs to those who persevere tenaciously.  In any endeavor, the outcome is never certain till the very end.

Kimura:  How do we become like the sun?​​

Ikeda:  There is no special secret.  Just continue chanting daimoku everyday, at your own pace.  Even just a little at a time is fine.  If you chant daimoku, the sun will begin to rise in your lives quite naturally.  Just as the sun rises each day, just as your mother prepares meals for you each day, you must have the spirit to keep striving, to study hard and to go to school each day.  From this, we can learn something important.  If you abandon what you have to do, you’re the one who loses out.  Therefore, you must never give up.

The sun rises every day.  On cloudy days, stormy days, in winter or summer, the sun is always shining.  This is a law of the universe.  No one can deny that truth.  We, too, must live each day of our lives to the fullest.  It makes sense that we do so.  Victory belongs to those who persevere tenaciously in such efforts.  

No matter what your present situation, the final outcome of all your endeavors will be determined at your life’s end.  For instance, in baseball, the winning team isn’t decided until the last out of the final inning.  In any endeavor, the outcome is never certain till the very end.  It’s not decided at the beginning.  As the English saying goes, “He who laughs best laughs last.”