Kin’ichi gave up all hope of sneaking away when he was called by the young Shin’ichi​​

Shin’ichi never failed to show consideration towards the Taokas. In those days, Kin’ichi Taoka operated a rice business. He would come home from his shop in the evening, but whenever he found a meeting going on there he would stealthily enter the dining room, finish his supper and then disappear.  One evening, Shin’ichi caught a glimpse of Kin’ichi from the back room where a meeting was being held. 

“Mr Taoka!” he called out in a loud voice. Kin’ichi gave up all hope of sneaking away, summoning his courage, entered the room, looking embarrassed. “How do you do, Mr Taoka?” Shin’ichi greeted him pleasantly. “I always deeply appreciate the efforts of Mrs Taoka.” “Oh, you are flattering Mr Yamamoto,” Kin’ichi replied, bewildered at Shin’ichi’s flawless courtesy. The people in the room smiled at the heart-warming exchange between the youth and the elderly man. 

As it turned out, Kin’ichi did not hate the practice of faith. In fact, he had converted some of his friends. He had however, tried to keep clear of the leaders because he detested those who dominated the members. Now, meeting the pleasant Shin’ichi, he realised that he had been wrong to resent all leaders. Furthermore, he learnt that Shin’ichi had been anxious to talk sincerely with him, to encourage him to develop unflinching faith. He felt not so much ashamed as sorry for his misunderstanding. Later, Kin’ichi became a district leader and in a few years took the place of his wife as the capable leader of one of the strongest chapters – the fruit of the discipline with which Shin’ichi had trained him.