Selling off some personal belongings to pay for his travel expenses, Ikeda Sensei utterly resolved to be victorious in the Yamaguchi campaign.

At the beginning of September, Yamaguchi Prefecture had only 430 member households, while Tokyo had 100,000 and Kansai had 60,000. I went to Yamaguchi in October. By January 1957, membership there had increased close to tenfold, to 4,073 households.​​

Over the course of those three months, from October to January, I travelled to Yamaguchi Prefecture three times. I spent a total of 22 days there leading the short but decisive struggle. On top of that, I was striving wholeheartedly to help Mr Toda’s businesses and support the Gakkai overall. Every step was a battle against time. The challenge was compounded by the fact that some of the senior leaders didn’t grasp the significance of the campaign and were reluctant to cooperate.

I didn’t have any money. I managed to pay my travel expenses by selling off some personal belongings. Still, I was utterly resolved that we would be victorious. “I am the direct disciple of Josei Toda, a great mentor spearheading the development of our movement for kosen-rufu. There is absolutely no reason that I should not win!” With this thought, I would encourage myself to continue onward. I would not accept defeat! I would triumph! Such was my burning spirit as Mr Toda’s disciple.