The mentor making wholehearted efforts to foster the youth, and the youth shouldering full responsibility for kosen-rufu — this solemn united spirit of mentor and disciple.​

At that meeting, he (Toda Sensei) also said: “I will pass on the third presidency to a member of the youth division If you support the third president, kosen-rufu will surely be achieved.” Declaring that the Soka Gakkai alone offered hope for resolving the problems facing Japan and for opening the way to happiness for all humanity, he called on his listeners to rise to that challenge.  The 400 youth present, profoundly moved and inspired by his words, affirmed their determination to do so.

The mentor making wholehearted efforts to foster the youth, and the youth shouldering full responsibility for kosen-rufu — this solemn united spirit of mentor and disciple is the starting point of a youthful SGI.