Daisaku Ikeda is a fine scholar, the author of a number of books of philosophical enquiry. He is an amateur photographer of merit, with an eye for landscapes, in particular.”

Professor Forbes Munro, Clerk of the Senate

University of Glasglow

Daisaku Ikeda has devoted himself to the cause of world peace and to supporting the ideals and policies of the United Nations. This endeavour brought recognition in the form of numerous awards from governments and organisations . . . In education too, Mr Ikeda manifested the same spirit of internationalism. He has travelled widely to lecture at major world universities on the Buddhist perspective on contemporary social, political and environmental issues…

I have dwelt rather more on the public than on the private man, and there is much that could be said on the latter. Daisaku Ikeda is a fine scholar, the author of a number of books of philosophical enquiry. He is an amateur photographer of merit, with an eye for landscapes, in particular. And from an early age, he expressed his inner spiritual and emotional self in the quiet art of poetry. I believe a few lines from one of his own poems sum up Daisaku Ikeda far better than any words of mine could achieve:

Like the waterfall fierce

Like the waterfall unflagging

Like the waterfall unfearing

Like the waterfall merrily

Like the waterfall proudly–

A man should have the bearing of a king.