Though my hand was red and swollen after shaking hands with the 170 people present, my heart was aglow with the warmth of all these noble members who were working so hard for kosen-rufu.

In January 1965, 45 years ago, during a trip to Kyushu and Osaka, I made an impromptu visit to Tottori Prefecture after receiving a report on members who were engaged in a fierce struggle there. I attended a district leaders meeting at Tottori’s Yonago Community Center, at which I strove to wholeheartedly encourage the members. Afterwards, I posed for a photograph with the participants, who had travelled from Tottori and neighbouring Shimane Prefectures. I shook hands with each person, saying: “Let’s do our best together!” “Please give my regards to everyone in your district!” “Let’s strive all-out with a youthful spirit!” Each member shook my hand firmly, looking at me with strong determination. Though my hand was red and swollen after shaking hands with the 170 people present, my heart was aglow with the warmth of all these noble members who were working so hard for kosen-rufu.

If it were possible, I would have liked to shake hands with and personally encourage all those serving as the mainstays of their districts — the local leaders of the men’s division, women’s division, young men’s division, young women’s division, and student division. But that was physically impossible. That is why I came up with the idea of taking commemorative group photos as a way of personally encouraging members.