Shin’ichi Yamamoto commenced his historic Kansai campaign in 1956 on a person-to-person basis.​​

Shin’ichi rushed to Osaka station and ran up the stairs to the platform. He just made it, for the bell was loudly clanging out the departure of the ten o’clock Moonlight Express. He hurriedly boarded the train. (Shin’ichi’s) forehead was hot – a slight fever. 

Some of the passengers were talking with each other, others reading, still others already asleep. A hint of alcohol wafted from the man soundly asleep in his seat across from him. Annoyed by the snoring, Shin’ichi himself could not get any rest. He took out several postcards from his briefcase, careful not to make noise. Then he began to write words of encouragement to some of the leaders in Kansai he was concerned about. As he did so, he called their faces to mind one after another… 

In this manner, Shin’ichi Yamamoto commenced his historic Kansai campaign in 1956.