Ma Chunlei, head of the delegation of the All-China Youth Federation, who visited Japan in December 2001

Three persons I respect are Premier Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Deng Xiao Ping and Mr Ikeda. They all are persons with deep insight, heroic character and firm will. I think their efforts were undertaken for the people.

Around 1985 when the Chinese version of the Toynbee-Ikeda dialogue was published, I was a university freshman. I bought a copy after standing in a long queue. I learned visions for the future from the book. Before coming to Japan with this delegation, I took it down from my shelf and read it again. Though its paper has turned yellowish, from the underlines drawn by the young me, I vividly recalled my impressions when I first encountered Mr Ikeda’s thoughts. Many of the members of the delegation have read Mr Ikeda’s works.

The most impressive event for the delegation was our meeting with Mr Ikeda. His great personality is unforgettable. It is my utmost pleasure to have learned his thoughts and ideals. To say it plainly, he is my mentor. He is the mentor not only for SGI members but also for Chinese youth. Some members of the delegation had negative images of Japan, whose army had trampled their parents’ families and neighbours. However, their perception changed completely after meeting Mr Ikeda and Soka Gakkai youth division members, whose continued efforts and activities for world peace are based on a correct view of history. (2002)