The genuine ties of mentor and disciple shine with a brilliant golden light at the most trying of times.  The mentor, Mr Toda entrusted everything to his direct disciple, Ikeda Sensei.​

With his wife, Ikue, at his side, Mr Toda said to Shin’ichi: “Just in case anything should happen, I’d like to entrust the Soka Gakkai, Toko Construction Credit Union and Daito Commerce Company to you. Will you accept this proposal? And, if possible, I would also like you to look after my family.”

It was an enormous responsibility. Listening to Mr Toda’s words, the twenty-three-year-old Shin’ichi felt goose bumps and indescribable emotion.

“You may think I am giving you a terrible gift, but the mission that I was born to fulfill in this life is also your mission. You understand that, don’t you? Be steadfast, no matter what happens.”

“If you and I remain dedicated to our mission, the time is certain to come when the will of Nichiren Daishonin can be fulfilled. No matter what anyone says, let’s advance resolutely together!”

Shin’ichi lifted his tear-filled eyes and said to Mr Toda: “Sensei, please don’t worry about anything. I have always been prepared to give my entire life to you without the slightest regret, and this will never change, for all eternity.”

In his diary that day, Shin’ichi wrote: “Mr Toda is like Masashige, while I am like Masatsura. His wife wept. Never throughout my life will I forget the emotion, solemnity, tears, sense of mission, of karmic bonds and of life’s worth that I have experienced today. It has been decided that I will be his successor.”

The genuine ties of mentor and disciple shine with a brilliant golden light at the most trying of times.