Pioneering Aomori WD delivering Seikyo Shimbun every morning for 40 years regardless of heavy winter snow, resolving to win over every obstacle by bringing forth even greater strength and wisdom.

A pioneering women’s division member from Aomori Prefecture in Japan, where it snows heavily in the winter, has delivered the Seikyo Shimbun each morning for over 40 years. In the past, her fellow villagers shunned her because she was a Soka Gakkai member. But she refused to be defeated, resolving to win over every obstacle by bringing forth even greater strength and wisdom. Today, declaring that the community in which she lives is the best in the whole country, she says: “Daimoku has the power to make anything possible.”

When you chant for someone’s happiness, the right words emerge from your own Buddha nature to touch their Buddha nature. My greatest joy in life is introducing others to this practice and expanding our circle of friendship.”  We have entered an age when the daimoku of our infinitely noble and precious SGI members, brimming with courage and hope, enfolds society, locally and globally. In this year of dynamic development, striving to fulfill our shared vow of mentor and disciple, let us again achieve one victory after another, our confident lion’s roar of daimoku resounding powerfully.