Mr Ikeda used to be physically very weak and was told by a doctor he might not even live to 30 years old. At the beginning of his marital life, Mr Ikeda relied on medicinal injections. Thanks to his wife’s concern for nutrition and sleep, not to mention her encouragement, he could overcome his frail health. What he is now is his wife’s victory.

The SGI President followed a hectic schedule every day, not knowing when he might collapse or fall ill. Physical weakness drove his determination to accomplish as much as possible while he was healthy. Mr and Mrs Ikeda have engraved profound memories of life in their hearts every day. Mr Ikeda’s triumphs are his wife’s triumphs. His history is her history. When Mr Ikeda went home exhausted to his small house in Ota Ward, every room was decorated with flowers by Kaneko. He remembers a time when his house was filled with the scent of sweet smelling daphne. Her consideration for him has never changed.