At those times, who was it that chanted strong, determined daimoku in an invincible lion’s roar for truth? Who was it that courageously and clearly spoke out against falsehood and struck fear into the hearts of the three powerful enemies? It was you, the noble women of the SGI. ​​

In our great journey of kosen-rufu, storms of persecution have beset us repeatedly. Three generations of mentors and disciples have been singled out as the targets of slanders that distorted the truth and sullied justice. At those times, who was it that chanted strong, determined daimoku in an invincible lion’s roar for truth? Who was it that courageously and clearly spoke out against falsehood and struck fear into the hearts of the three powerful enemies? It was you, the noble women of the SGI. 

The integrity, dignity, and truth of the mentors and disciples of Soka, heirs to the Buddha’s will and decree, have been steadfastly proven and protected by the women’s division!