Hyogo WD, who lost her home in the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake, never lost her smile with a warm feeling in her heart when she thought of the Buddha nature that everyone possessed.

A women’s division member, who has long dedicated herself to the development of kosen-rufu in Hyogo Prefecture, lost her home in the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake, as did her two daughters, young women’s division leaders, who lived together nearby. She did not lose her smile, however, and threw herself into working for the reconstruction of her community.  Today, having transformed all poison into medicine, she says cheerfully: “My painful experience changed the way I look at life. When I think that everyone possesses the Buddha nature, a warm feeling fills my heart. Courage wells up inside me. I feel that I am responsible for the happiness of my friends and fellow members. It gives me joy that we can praise and support one another, declaring that we were not beaten, that we won.” 

With youthful energy and vigour, this sincere women’s division member continues to reach out to others in dialogue, with the personal goal of making 10 new friends. Nothing is as noble, profound, and strong as prayers for the welfare and happiness of others. In Japan and around the world, the confident and compassionate voices of our members are revitalising the lives of all those they come in contact with. Each and every person is a supremely noble entity of the Mystic Law, embodying the principles of the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds, the hundred worlds and thousand factors, and the three thousand realms in a single moment of life (cf. WND-1, 235).