Ikeda Sensei shared how the Kansai members joined him valiantly in the struggle of Osaka Campaign, actualising the timeless golden rule for victory in life.

Allow me to share with you a few more passages from my youthful diary. On April 25, 1956, I wrote: ​​

Received a report that Osaka Chapter grew by 9,002 households this month. An unprecedented result Will decisively challenge and surpass this target in May. The dream of 10,000 households [in a single month] is possible to attain. Like a rising tide, like raging waves, we save suffering people. Enjoy! Leap! Shout! Dance! Sing! Robust youth of the Mystic Law! Comrades in spirit!  

I took action to realise Mr Toda’s goal and proclaimed his ideals wherever I went. Because I devoted myself wholeheartedly as a disciple, all those who struggled alongside me also joyfully took action for kosen-rufu.

The Osaka Campaign was especially challenging. However, the Kansai members joined me valiantly in the struggle. 

The golden rule for victory in life is the same in every age. I triumphed in struggles that everyone said could not be won. For the sake of kosen-rufu, I battled on to the very end. I achieved top results in propagation and every other endeavor I took on.

I am counting on the youth division. I want you, my bright young friends, to inherit and continue on this great path of mentor and disciple.