Fronting the Osaka Campaign, young Ikeda wasted no time in criss-crossing Osaka to meet members who, unexpecting of his visits, became spurred deepen their faith.

Shin’ichi was still in Osaka, carrying out a fierce, many sided struggle against the manoeuvring of those in power. As soon as he finished gongyo and the Gosho lecture in the morning, he went out to visit as many activity centres as his time allowed and encourage the members gathered at each place. From afternoon till night he went from one discussion meeting to another  sometimes he called at more than ten such sites in a single day. 

Riding in a battered car, chanting Nam-myohorenge-kyo all the while, he moved about throughout Osaka City and its suburbs, appearing in unexpected places at the unexpected moments. The member who drove the car remembers that the distance their force march covered each day averaged one hundred fifty to two hundred miles.

Shin’ichi wanted to attend as many discussion meetings as he could. He moved from one site to another in rapid succession, Wherever he went, the members who had not been expecting his visit, greeted him with a storm of applause and cheers. Their enthusiasm was so ebullient that it even engulfed the guests in its swirl, this spurring on the propagation of faith in the Gohonzon.