Mieko Udagawa, SGI-Belgium Women’s Division General Leader

Around 1962, President Ikeda came to Paris. At the time, however, I really didn’t know much about him. My son and I met him at Dr Yamazaki’s house. President Ikeda picked up an apple that was on the table and handed it to my son, but my son protested, saying: “I don’t want it, I don’t want it.” I was flustered, and told him sharply to accept it.

Before I could continue, President Ikeda bent down to my son’s eye level and said directly to him: “I’ll give it to your mother, so you can have it later.” I was very touched by President Ikeda’s kindness and concern. The fact that he would try to please a child, rather than force something on him, left a deep impression on me.

Eventually, President Ikeda’s example became the model I followed. I became more optimistic and started praying sincerely for my husband’s success. Then, out of the blue, my husband said he would start practising Nichiren Buddhism, too.