Pioneer couples who forged ahead on their chosen path, refusing to be defeated either by the destructive typhoon or the malice and prejudice from their community.

There is an elderly couple living on the Chita Peninsula in Japan’s Aichi Prefecture, both pioneer members from the early days of our movement. With unwavering resolve, they forged ahead on their chosen path, refusing to be defeated either by the destructive Ise Bay typhoon of 1959 (also known as Super Typhoon Vera) or the malice and prejudice of some in their community. Together with their fellow members, they persevered in faith, working for kosen-rufu and engaging in Buddhist dialogue with those around them to positively transform their beloved home region. 

They remain active to this day, saying: “When someone criticised us in those early days, it only made us more determined to win. Today, we have succeeded in cultivating a path of trust and understanding through helping many people form a connection with Nichiren’s Buddhism. The Soka Gakkai is a gathering of Bodhisattvas of the Earth, committed to helping people. Whenever we meet with friends, the way for enjoyable conversation readily opens up.”  Each step forward we take for the sake of Buddhism, the happiness of others, and the welfare of society, while struggling and wrestling with all kinds of problems and challenges, will become an immortal golden record of our life in this world. It will shine as a guidepost of infinite hope for all those who come after.