I wrote the single word, ‘Justice’. And in the margin next to it, I appended: “I will carry the banner of justice alone.” I knew that my real struggle was only beginning.

I did not return to the Soka Gakkai Headquarters at Shinanomachi after the meeting, but went directly to the Kanagawa Culture Centre. Because I had decided that I would begin a new struggle from that facility in Yokohama, which commands a view of a peaceful harbour stretching out to the rest of the wide world.

On May 5, picturing my mentor’s face, I wrote down my pledge in the form of a piece of calligraphy. I wrote the single word, ‘Justice’. And in the margin next to it, I appended: “I will carry the banner of justice alone,” I knew that my real struggle was only beginning. Whatever circumstances I found myself in, I would fight resolutely. Even if I was all alone. I firmly resolved in the depths of my being that I would triumph — in the true spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple.