In spite of everything, though, the champions of the Shiraito-kai sent a message to Shin’ichi in commemoration of May 3, Soka Gakkai Day, expressing their vow as disciples.

It was 1979 when Shin’ichi, wishing to bring an end to the continuous attacks against the Soka Gakkai by corrupt and unscrupulous priests, stepped down as third Soka Gakkai president and became honorary president. Under these extraordinary circumstances, the priests, driven by jealousy and resentment, even put pressure on Gakkai members to refrain them from seeking Shin’ichi as their mentor and from calling him “Sensei.”

In spite of everything, though, the champions of the Shiraito-kai sent a message to Shin’ichi in commemoration of May 3, Soka Gakkai Day, expressing their vow as disciples. In response, Shin’ichi sent them the following poem, wishing to convey to them the spirit of mentor and disciple:

that you never forget
the Shiraito vow,
the time has come for you
to stand up as my disciples.

That year (1979), the Shiraito-kai members gathered at the Kanagawa Culture Centre in Yokohama to be with Shin’ichi. Greeting them at the doorway, Shin’ichi said: “Thank you for coming. This is a great victory. You’ve grown remarkably. A decisive battle for kosen-rufu has begun. It’s going to get exciting! Let’s meet again next year. Don’t worry about me, I’m doing fine!”