Pioneer Yamagata WD who struggled to overcome economic hardship and lost two children, overcame her sadness and steadfastly encouraged friends and fellow members amid an onslaught of natural disasters.

In the pioneering days of our movement, a women’s division member in Yamagata Prefecture [in Japan’s Tohoku region] struggled to overcome economic hardship, labouring late into the night on piecework to supplement the family income. She worked tirelessly for kosen-rufu with her husband, travelling far and wide throughout a large geographical area. She overcame the sadness of losing two children, steadfastly encouraged friends and fellow members amid an onslaught of natural disasters, and today, at 90 years old, is still going strong in her efforts for kosen-rufu.  

She declares: “By introducing others to Nichiren Buddhism, we give them the key to eternal happiness. This is something that the rich and powerful out in society cannot do. When people are suffering, I want them to know that they have me as a friend and that the members of the Soka Gakkai are there for them. When I remind myself that everyone in the depths of their lives is seeking the Mystic Law, the ability to encourage them arises naturally from within me.” The great French author Victor Hugo (1802–85) wrote: “The joy we inspire has this wonderful feature, which is that, far from dimming like any reflection, it comes back to us more radiant.” While working together to make the great joy that fills our lives shine ever brighter, let us build an invincible palace of capable individuals!