In 1979, the First Temple issue took place in which Ikeda Sensei was forced to step down as third President of Soka Gakkai on April 24.

During the end of 1970s, Soka Gakkai had became a well-established and influential presence within Japan. Hence, unscrupulous individuals within its own leadership structure began plotting to oust Ikeda Sensei in order to be able to wrest control of the organisation’s resources. Many priests felt threatened by his public assertions and his considerable influence.

Yamazaki, a lawyer for the Soka Gakkai attempted to undermine Ikeda Sensei by exploiting these fears, feeding the priests false reports about the Soka Gakkai’s supposed ill intentions. The priesthood further set harsh restrictions such as forbidding Ikeda Sensei from addressing the Soka Gakkai members at the organisation’s gatherings; his writings were not to appear in the organisation’s organ publications. It would no longer be permissible for even his image to appear there.