I, too, was exonerated of all charges in connection with the Osaka Incident four and a half years after I made that declaration at the Osaka Rally…

I, too, was exonerated of all charges in connection with the Osaka Incident four and a half years after I made that declaration at the Osaka Rally. The first session of my trial took place on October 18, 1957, and closing arguments of the prosecution and defense were made on December 16, 1961. The judgment was handed down on January 25, 1962. There had been 84 court sessions in all. After a long, tough fight, the truth won. We were victorious. 

Throughout history, how many innocent people have been falsely charged and made to suffer? A society that harms the just and innocent and causes pain and suffering to decent, hardworking citizens must be changed. That is the purpose of our struggle to establish the correct teaching for the peace of the land.