Youth should forge themselves amid struggle! No self-development comes from shunning challenges” these were Premier Zhou’s sentiments which Ikeda Sensei shared.

“Youth should forge themselves amid struggle! No self-development comes from shunning challenges”  these were Premier Zhou’s sentiments. Mr Toda also said: “Wage a struggle! Forge yourself in its midst!”

That is why I have fought, struggled, and challenged myself wholeheartedly. Sometimes I was so exhausted when I got home after a busy round of Gakkai activities, that I didn’t have the energy left to even take off my shoes. At the time, I also suffered from lung trouble. . . .

Premier Zhou stated to the effect that only through receiving training and undergoing various rigorous challenges are people refined into the hardest tempered steel.

Life is a battle. Unless one has an unbreakable, steel-like spirit, one cannot accomplish momentous undertakings.