Undeterred by his diagnosis of acute bronchial pneumonia, President Ikeda pushes himself beyond the limits from the depths of his being to rouse and performs a Gakkai song for the Wakayama members.

On December 21,1969, four o’clock in the afternoon, the train Kinokuni carrying President Ikeda crossed the famous Kino Kawa in Kishu Province. Arriving at Wakayama Culture Centre, he walked up the stairs to the second floor step by step. But even then he had to take a moment to pause. As he is the type not to let on that he was in pain to those around him, they felt even more worried about his health, given he was already diagnosed with pneumonia. Normally, a doctor would recommend total rest for a fever of 40 degrees. Standing up for even 30 seconds is impossible!

That evening, President Ikeda finally appeared at the prefectural gymnasium. He looked full of vigour. When they announced his arrival, the audience burst into thunderous applause. But the puzzled look of faces at the sight of what looked like a doctor carrying his bag on the side of the stage was also visible.

Half-way into the meeting, President Ikeda finally climbed onto stage and poured his whole soul into giving guidance for about twenty minutes. The Wakayama members, who had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, were stimulated with joy sky high. And in midst of this applause and shouts of joy there was a single loud voice, “Sensei, a Gakkai Song!” The closest top leaders who knew the real situation were startled. But the next instant President Ikeda began to rise. Excitement was laced with tension. Then President Ikeda raised his fan up towards the heavens, “Why not, I am your Sensei!” It was an ecstatic moment of the highest confirmation and appreciation of Fu Ji Shaku Shin Myo, or Not Begrudging One’s Life for the Sake of the Law.

This style of leading a song was not merely a light swaying of the fan. Sensei’s leading was staged from the depths of his being, like densely packed energy able to draw forth water from nothing. For those who could feel this, it was an awesome sight. It was a masterpiece, graceful and powerful. The Wakayama members sang from the bottom of their hearts. They were burning with passion. When it finally came to the end, no one was able to notice President Ikeda momentarily stagger from dizziness. 

Only after Sensei had crossed Kii Mountains on his way back, did the members come to realise this. “To tell you the truth, I was far from being in the right physical condition to come here today. You know, I really did my utmost, I have had thirteen injections!” said Sensei to the prefectural representatives quietly back at his lodging after the meeting. The Wakayama members who later came to know about this wept from their hearts. They could not stop crying.