The threatening remarks he made on July 21 of last year during the audience that I (President Akiya) had together with SGI President Ikeda are typical examples of his authoritarian stance. Looking at me, he shouted…

5th Soka Gakkai President, Einosuke Akiya

The threatening remarks he made on July 21 of last year during the audience that I had together with President Ikeda are typical examples of his authoritarian stance. High Priest Nikken was infuriated at the slow progress of the construction of new temples that were to be donated to Nichiren Shoshu by the Soka Gakkai, and at the poor attendance at ushitora gongyo. Looking at me, he shouted, “You have committed the slander of extreme arrogance”, and to President Ikeda, he said, “I will put the issue of your impeachment before the disciplinary committee”. Later, the high priest repeatedly denied having made these remarks to President Ikeda and myself, but they were overheard by vice presidents Yasuo Morita, Yorio Yahiro and Keima Hirano, who were then waiting downstairs. Even though there were witnesses, the high priest still denies the fact that he said such things.

Instead of impeaching President Ikeda through due process, five months later High Priest Nikken unilaterally dismissed him from the position of chief lay representative of Nichiren Shoshu (sokoto) and myself from that of senior lay representative (daikoto) by orchestrating certain changes in the Rules of Nichiren Shoshu.