The vow of mentors and disciples dedicated to kosen-rufu is to overcome our own sufferings and show actual proof of victory so that we can help others who are suffering become happy.

Second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda said: “If we were too perfect to begin with, others would find it hard to relate to us. That’s why we specifically chose to be born as ordinary people so that we could widely spread Buddhism in society.”  Because we have our own struggles, we can support and empathize with others who are struggling. Because we are not defeated by our own sorrows, we can encourage others who are sad and grieving.

The vow of mentors and disciples dedicated to kosen-rufu is to overcome our own sufferings and show actual proof of victory so that we can help others who are suffering become happy, too.

Those who have awakened to their profound mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth are strong; they are fearless.  Especially in difficult or trying times, I hope you’ll read the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Everything is clearly revealed in the Gosho as if in a mirror.