Desperately resolved to advance into Wakayama, President Ikeda battled the onslaught of illness​.

Shin’ichi quietly lay down again and closed his eyes. Mineko thought this meant he had abandoned his plan to go to Wakayama. Inwardly, she was relieved, feeling this was for the best in the long term. But Shin’ichi had by no means given up. Chanting silently to be able to go to Wakayama, he continued to battle his illness. 

The Daishonin’s words, “Nam-myohorenge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?” echoed through his mind. “I won’t be defeated by this illness!” he cried out in his heart, praying earnestly. He felt himself perspiring again.  

At about 11:00 A.M., Shin’ichi opened his eyes and asked what time it was. He then got up to change his underclothes once more. “Isn’t it the greatest honour as a Buddhist to die while in the midst of the struggle for kosen-rufu? I intend to keep going until I’ve used every last ounce of my strength. So let’s go to Wakayama!”