On the day of receiving the excommunication notice, President Ikeda was presented a certificate of appreciation by a diplomatic association representing 26 African nations.

On the same day that the excommunication notice arrived at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters [on November 29, 1991], a solemn, unforgettable ceremony was held right here at the Soka International Friendship Hall, where we are gathered today. On that occasion, the Association of African Heads of Mission in Tokyo — a diplomatic association representing 26 African nations — presented me with a certificate of appreciation for my contributions to promoting education, culture, and humanism.

The more the Soka Gakkai is attacked, the more it is supported by friends around the world. This is a manifestation of the workings of Brahma and Shakra [two of the main tutelary gods in Buddhism representing the protective functions of the universe]. This is clear proof that the Soka Gakkai is in the right.

When the priesthood excommunicated us, the number of honorary degrees and titles I had received from universities and educational institutions stood at 12. Now 12 years later, the number has reached nearly 150 — bestowed by seats of learning from every continent. (2001)