The brief history of Taiwan Soka Association – braving the harsh winter in faith to emerge triumphant no matter what.​​

My final stopover on that trip was Taiwan. Our direct flight back to Japan had been delayed, prompting us to take a different flight. As a result, we found ourselves in Taiwan for refuelling. Although it was a completely unexpected stopover, we were greeted at Taipei Songshan Airport by a group of local members. It was as if the encounter had been brought about by the members’ prayers. I presented those gathered on that day with the words, “Winter always turns to spring” (WND-1, 536), and encouraged them wholeheartedly.​​

A short time later, when the Soka Gakkai organisation in Taiwan was ordered to disband under martial law and the members were forced to endure a harsh “winter” in their faith, these words of the Daishonin helped them get through that difficult period.  The trials of winter forge an unshakable commitment to faith, practice, and study. Those who internalise even a single passage of the Daishonin’s writings are strong. They will not be defeated and will absolutely enjoy a wonderful springtime of happiness.

Our organisation in Taiwan bravely weathered the winter of hardship to emerge triumphant. Today, the Taiwan Soka Association (SGI-Taiwan) has been recognised as an Outstanding Social Organisation by Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior (17 times in succession) and also received an Executive Yuan Award. It has achieved tremendous growth in membership and won widespread trust from the public.