Author: R

[NEWS] Voices from the World to Praise Ikeda Sensei Part 2

Condolences continued to pour in to pay tribute to ikeda Sensei’s contributions. Some of these condolences from thinking people around the world include Dr. Ela Gandi, Mahatma Gandhi’s granddaughter; Asle Toje, deputy leader of The Norwegian Nobel Committee; Dr. Ira Helfand, Co-Founder and Past President of Physicians for Social Responsibility of IPPNW (International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapon (ICAN).

Click to read full article of all commendations here

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Our eternal mentor, Daisaku Ikeda,  a peacebuilder, Buddhist philosopher, educator, author and poet, passed away on 15 November 2023 at the age of 95.

This site is to honour this great man who change the course of mankind. We will be reporting live on any activities while recapping the great life of Daisaku Ikeda, his achievement and legacy.

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