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[Article] Floral Medal of Honour

[Article] Floral Medal of Honour

One day, Mr Toda suddenly plucked a flower nearby and put it in my shirt pocket, as if it were a medal of honour… Some snickered at my floral medal of honour, but to me it was an award for kosen-rufu presented by my mentor in kosen-rufu. No tribute could have been greater.

[NEWS] BREAKING:Disciples who are having the same shared mission with the mentor will definitely respond to the call of Mentor, in the soonest possible time.

[NEWS] BREAKING:Disciples who are having the same shared mission with the mentor will definitely respond to the call of Mentor, in the soonest possible time.

With a clear-sky and bright moon at 3pm over the top of Hall of Great Vow(HOGV), we see members of Brazil (holding their country flag) taking a group photo. We feel their sense of gratitude and mission-filled emotions! Even those disciples who are not physically present, should have similar sense of gratitude and mission.

[Article] A Mentor for Life

[Article] A Mentor for Life

I asked Mr Toda, “If you resign as general director, who will be my mentor?”… “Though I cause you nothing but hardship, I am your mentor,” replied Mr Toda.

[NEWS] BREAKING: Disciples Visiting The Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu after the passing of the Buddha

[NEWS] BREAKING: Disciples Visiting The Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu after the passing of the Buddha

Members and leaders are visiting the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen Rufu (HOGV) in Shinanomachi today. It is the first HOGV visit after being informed of Ikeda sensei’s passing on November 18, 2023. Upon the completion of the building, Ikeda Sensei said this in a gongyo meeting (November 8, 2013), “I, therefore, propose that, from this day forward, this hall be called the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu, and that we joyfully initiate a fresh dynamic advance, spreading hope and justice, toward a new era of worldwide kosen-rufu. What do you say?”  

With a heavy and grieving heart, the disciples shall remember the guidance of Ikeda Sensei and make a fresh dynamic departure from this day onward. 

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[NEWS] BREAKING: Members prayed deeply as they grieved over Sensei’s passing 

[NEWS] BREAKING: Members prayed deeply as they grieved over Sensei’s passing 

Another ordinary day at Shinanomachi! Every now and then, members can be seen outside the Hall of Great Vow, bowing in respect and praying deeply in their heart.  It brought tears to our eyes to witness such genuine disciples who has a heart for our mentor! With a solemn expression and holding back tears as they keep their eyes closed, are they too making a vow to make the mentor’s vow their own? Now is the time for disciples to stand up! 

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[Video] The Victory of the Disciple is the Victory of the Mentor

Leading universities and academic institutions in the world are giving their sympathy and praise to SGI President philosophy and actions. This is exactly the victory of the disciple is the victory of the Mentor.

[Article] Training at “Toda University” Bore Fruits

[Article] Training at “Toda University” Bore Fruits

This thorough-going training at “Toda University” is what enabled me later in life to converse freely with Dr Toynbee and so many other leaders and thinkers around the world.

[Article] Toda University

[Article] Toda University

One day, Mr Toda said to me: “Daisaku, I’m sorry to have to ask this of you, but could you give up your studies? In return, I promise to give you a full university education myself.”

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About Us

Our eternal mentor, Daisaku Ikeda,  a peacebuilder, Buddhist philosopher, educator, author and poet, passed away on 15 November 2023 at the age of 95.

This site is to honour this great man who change the course of mankind. We will be reporting live on any activities while recapping the great life of Daisaku Ikeda, his achievement and legacy.

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