Mrs Ikeda mentioned that Mr Ikeda had sincerely tried to help her develop herself. In matters of faith and in regard to Mr Toda, there was much that she did not understand at that time. During that period, Mr Ikeda was already aware of his mission in life. He must have kept it all inside.

I rarely had an opportunity to be personally trained or guided by Mr Toda, and Daisaku played the role of my teacher. At the wedding, Mr Toda advised me personally, “First, keep your household accounts in order every day… Second, however badly you may feel, wear a smile on your face when he returns in the evening.”

The household account book had a memo column that I used as a mini diary. I would write the names of guests who had visited or the cost of train fare, and so on. Later, when my husband went to court, the lawyers had to investigate every little thing. My records were maintained from around 1955, and they gave a thorough description of even the most insignificant expenditures. The lawyers said that they were glad to have this evidence to clearly support the facts.