With a clear-sky and bright moon at 3pm over the top of Hall of Great Vow(HOGV), we see members of Brazil (holding their country flag) taking a group photo. We feel their sense of gratitude and mission-filled emotions! Even those disciples who are not physically present, should have similar sense of gratitude and mission.

#youths #sokayouth #青年部 #青年 #学生 #daisakuikeda #创价学会 #daisakuikedasensei #sgiusa #sgi #kansaisoka  #nichirenbuddhism  #daisakuikedaquotes #sokagakkai #池田大作 #daisakuikedalegacy #ikedalegacy #池田大作传 #继承  #池田精神 #继承精神 #mentorlegacy