Soka Gakkai members streamed in very early in an orderly fashion to attend today’s Soka Gakkai funeral services for the passing of Daisaku Ikeda in the afternoon! You can see on site that the queue formed is long, so glad that it is a cool yet sunny day on this day. The members mostly dressed in sombre colours to pay their respect to their mentor for the last time.

You can spot several Soka members and volunteers, as usual always alert & smiley, helping out to control the flow of the crowd.

创价学会会员们一早便有序地涌入出席,参加今天下午为池田大作逝世举行的创价学会葬礼! 现场可以看到排队的队伍很长,很庆幸这一天天气凉爽,阳光明媚。 成员们大多穿着暗色调的衣服,以向导师最后一次致敬。


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