A profound sense of reverence hung in the air like a delicate fragrance. The somber occasion had drawn the members together, each step echoing with a quiet gravity that bespoke the weight of the moment. 

As the members arrived one by one, their collective presence painted a poignant tableau of unity and shared grief. Dressed in muted hues that mirrored the solemnity of the occasion, they moved with a gentle choreography, their measured steps a silent homage to the mentor they had all cherished – Ikeda sensei. 

Faces etched with a mosaic of emotions, they bore the traces of the profound impact their mentor had left on their lives. A mixture of gratitude and sorrow glistened in their eyes, forming a silent tribute that words could scarcely capture. Each member, a living testament to the legacy of Ikeda sensei, carried not just flowers, but a bouquet of memories that would forever bloom in the garden of their hearts 

空气中弥漫着浓浓的感恩之心, 这追善会,让所有的会员们再一次聚集在一起,每一步都带着沉重又期待的感受,也表明了这一时刻的重要性。 




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