After a quiet day in Shinanomachi, we finally saw a heartwarming scene at Soka University, Hachioji. A remembrance site for Soka University founder, Daisaku Ikeda was set up at the foyer of Global Square within the campus where students were seen paying their tribute by penning down their memories and thoughts for their founder. Some were seen gathering together to reminisce about this great man who was always there to wholeheartedly encouraged them to open up to the unlimited possibilities and discover their potential.

Condolences Book Signing
#youths #sokayouth #青年部 #青年 #学生 #daisakuikeda #创价学会 #daisakuikedasensei #sgiusa #sgi #kansaisoka #nichirenbuddhism #daisakuikedaquotes #sokagakkai #池田大作 #daisakuikedalegacy #ikedalegacy #池田大作传 #继承 #池田精神 #继承精神