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The Soka Gakkai Funeral Service for its third president, Daisaku Ikeda, who passed away on the 15 November, was held at 1.30 pm today, 23 November 2023, at the Tokyo Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo. A ceremony was solemnly conducted and live streamed to more than 1000 Soka Centres in 47 prefectures.
President Harada, General Director Hasegawa, Senior Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda, and Women’s Division Leader Kimiko Nagaishi attended the funeral, together with representatives from each division. This is the first Soka Gakkai funeral since Second President Josei Toda’s.

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President Harada led the gongyo and chanting of daimoku, and together with all participants, earnestly conducted the memorial service, praying for the repose of Ikeda Sensei.
Next, Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda expressed his heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the Ikeda family for the sincere condolences from members all over Japan and the entire world. He sincerely thanked everyone for the condolences received from both locally and internationally. He also expressed heartfelt gratitude for the Soka Gakkai funeral, the first since Second President Josei Toda’s.
After Women’s Division Leader Kimiko Nagaishi’s speech, President Harada recalled the fond memories of the noble life of the Soka Gakkai’s third President, Daisaku Ikeda, and vowed to unite the Ikeda disciples and repay his debts of gratitude to his mentor.
Finally, a commemorative video reminiscing about the 95 years of life of President Ikeda was screened.
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