2 days after the Memorial service conducted for the passing of sensei, various kaikans carry-out sessions which will screen recorded version of the service.  

The news of his passing triggers a wave of emotions ranging from shock and disbelief to sorrow and reflection, which can be especially seen during and after such sessions. 

On the whole, attendance of such sessions are equally well-received as Soka Gakkai members yearn to pay their last respects to their mentor. More youthful members are seen more than the actual memorial as today is a Saturday. Despite a cold day, some elderly members are seen strolling out of the meeting too. 

The loss and death of a world-renowned leader reverberate locally and globally, creating a profound impact that transcends borders and cultures. Our sensei, though permanently out of sight, will never be out of the minds of members and people who knew Daisaku Ikeda.

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