ECI is an organisation that drives a global movement towards a more just, sustainable and peaceful world, through Education and resources. They expresses their most sincere and deepest condolences with a tribute to the visionary philosopher and peace builder : 

ECI described him as an outstanding and very sensitive human being. He as a firm believer of interfaith dialogue and collaboration across sectors and generations; had a vision and tireless commitment to supporting and empowering young people 

They summarised his speech given at Columbia University in 1996 on “Thoughts on Education for Global Citizenship” and deemed it as a masterpiece: (as stated below with some salient points) 

“I (Daisaku Ikeda) think I can state with confidence that the following are essential elements of global citizenship: 

  • The wisdom to perceive the interconnectedness of all life. 
  • The courage not to fear or deny difference but to respect and strive to understand people of different cultures  
  • The compassion to maintain an imaginative empathy that reaches beyond one’s immediate surroundings and extends to those suffering in distant places.” 

 ~ Being more, not having more.” 

As a special friend and supporter of the Earth Charter for over 25 years, he contributed to the drafting process of the Earth Charter and taking stage of the central idea (in the Earth Charter Preamble) that states, “We must realize that when basic needs have been met, human development is primarily about being more, not having more.”  

They also thank his tireless efforts and contributions towards building a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.  

They admire his curiosity to undertake dialogues with thought leaders from around the world. His annual Peace Proposals offered impactful recommendations that are much needed for this current time. 

Lastly, may his soul rest in peace. May the seeds he planted continue to grow. May the flowers he planted and cared for blossom, and may his light continue to shine. 




他们总结了他在1996年在哥伦比亚大学发表的关于“#全球公民# #地球市民# 教育思想”的演讲,并认为它是一部杰作(如下所述,只含一些重要观点)论点: 










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