Translated from Seikyo Shimbun article published on 19 November 2023.

The great march toward “widespread propagation of the law” that leads to “world peace” began with a solemn encounter between mentor and disciple. On August 14, 1947, Ikeda Sensei, who was then 19 years old, attended a discussion meeting in Ota Ward, Tokyo. Deeply moved by Toda sensei’s conviction and personality, he took up faith 10 days later, on August 24. 

In August 1950, Toda Sensei, whose business was in dire straits due to the post-war turmoil, announced his intention to resign as general director of the Soka Gakkai. Many comrades who used to fight together with Toda Sensei’s left, except Ikeda Sensei, who committed his unwavering vow of faith to Toda Sensei in a single waka poem. 

It reads:

Still serving 
An old  
and mystic bond— 
though others change 
I alter not. 

Even if there are many who forget and betray their mentor, I will never change The mentor and disciple broke through the difficult situation through the intense struggle of young Ikeda Sensei who was determined to be a genuine disciple that dedicated selflessly to propagating the law after he surmounted his business troubles. On May 3, 1951, Toda Sensei was inaugurated as Soka Gakkai 2nd president. He loudly proclaimed, “Let’s achieve a membership goal of 750,000 households!” Since then, Soka Gakkai began to renew their dynamic advancement. 

Young Ikeda talking with Toda Sensei one month before his death on March 1, 1958. he said to his beloved disciple, “[Daisaku], the world is your challenge; it is your true stage. It is a vast world.” Mr. Toda urged his young disciple to carry on in his stead. Then, on March 16, a commemorative ceremony was held for Toda Sensei to entrust the future development of kosen-rufu to his youthful successors.

There was approximately 3,000 members then. Everyone saw it as an unattainable goal, but Ikeda Sensei was burning with passion about realising his mentor’s vision and succeeded in making propagation a reality, marking the first step toward achieving 750,000 member households. Through the struggles of Ikeda Sensei, who achieved monumental victory in the propagation campaigns held in Tokyo’s Kamata, Bunkyo, Sapporo, Osaka, and Yamaguchi, Soka Gakkai was able to achieve Toda’s sensei cherished goal of 750,000 member households in December 1957.

As long as there is one true disciple, kosen-rufu can certainly be achieved! Ikeda Sensei called out earnestly, “When I was in the youth division, I too fought hard. I protected Mr. Toda and the Soka Gakkai. This is how the genuine bond of mentor and disciple should appear to be. The three generations of Soka mentor and disciple have been laying their lives to struggle and triumph in the battles. There is no greater glory than pursuing the path of mentor and disciple.”    

Source (Japanese): 

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