Commemorative Service for Daisaku Ikeda Sensei

The members of the SGI Thailand were expressing their deepest condolences on the recent passing of their compassionate mentor Daisaku Ikeda Sensei.

There were 24 commemorative services held on 26 November, 2023 across Thailand and were attended by 17,310 members.

Members of the SGI Thailand came together to pay their respect to Daisaku Ikeda Sensei, who led the propagation efforts to spread Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism to Thailand and around the world. SGI Thailand expressed their determination to continue propagating the mystic law to repay their obligations to the mentor.

After the service was conducted, a few videos were screened. The first was the announcement made by Hiromasa Ikeda on the news of Ikeda Sensei’s passing. Then Soka Gakkai’s President Minoru Harada made his speech and followed by Soka Gakkai Women Division leader Kimiko Nagaishi’s.

The disciples in Thailand who have been receiving trainings from Sensei over the years, will stand up with strong faith and continue to move forward to achieve victory in spreading Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism around the world in the spirit of many in body, one in mind. They are determined to inherit Sensei’s legacy.

The leaders of SGI Thailand have been developed to train capable people with the heart of a lion king to achieve continuous victory of the people, a spirit that has always been taught by Ikeda Sensei.

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