Message from Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada and Senior Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda
November 18, 2023  

Following the passing of President Daisaku Ikeda, Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada and Senior Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda released a message. 

(Recorded at the Three Founding Presidents Conference Room of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu at 2 p.m. on November 18, 2023)  


Message from Senior Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda 

I would like to say a few words about the passing of Ikeda Sensei. Ikeda Sensei passed away from natural causes at his residence in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, late in the evening of November 15, at the age of 95. 

A funeral was held yesterday afternoon, November 17, with members of the immediate family and President Harada leading gongyo.  

This morning, November 18, the cremation was conducted, and we saw him off with gongyo led by General Director Hasegawa. 

My mother is well and in good spirits. She asked me to share the following: 

“My husband was so sickly that his doctor told him he probably wouldn’t live to 30. But thanks to his faith and the guidance and training of Toda Sensei, he was able to live a long life and fulfill his mission. 

More than 10 years ago, he shared that he would always be taking the lead for kosen-rufu in accord with the eternal nature of life expounded in Buddhism. He was completely serene and confident, having been able to entrust his entire spiritual legacy to succeeding generations. 

I offer my sincere gratitude to all the fellow members who have supported and worked alongside him in a shared commitment to kosen-rufu.” 

That is what my mother wished to share with you all. 

As a family, we have refrained from announcing this until today because we wished that the events commemorating the founding of the Soka Gakkai, especially that at the Soka School, would be held as planned. 

I am certain that my father would agree with our decision. 

Regarding the poems carried in today’s Seikyo Shimbun, these were prepared by my father for today and were published as planned. 

Thank you. 


Message from Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada 

Learning of the passing of Ikeda Sensei, I am struck by feelings of shock and profound grief. 

Recalling Mrs Ikeda’s account of Sensei’s deep commitment to his life’s work in his final years it is clear he departed with peaceful serenity. I wish to express my heartfelt condolences. 

Having been entrusted with the task of realising kosen-rufu, we must rise above our sadness as we mark a new advance, day by day, month after month. 

After joining the Soka Gakkai, for the next 76 years, starting with his selfless dedication to his mentor, Toda Sensei, he spared no effort in spreading the Mystic Law, working tirelessly and selflessly to bring kosen-rufu to its current state and establishing the solid foundations for peace, culture and education.  

Engraving the guidance he has left in the depths of our lives and aiming for the realisation of worldwide kosen-rufu and the eternal flourishing of the Soka Gakkai, let us develop ever stronger unity as we advance together day after day. 

I believe that this is how, as disciples, we can repay the great debt of gratitude we owe our mentor for these many years. 

A funeral has already been conducted by family members, so to honor Sensei’s unparalleled contributions to kosen-rufu, the first Soka Gakkai funeral since Toda Sensei’s will be held on November 23 for members of the Soka Gakkai. 

A separate farewell gathering will be held for invited guests at a time and venue to be determined.  

With that, I conclude my statement.  

Thank you very much. 

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