In January 1961, SGI President Ikeda visited Hong Kong, India and other places in Asia, which also laid the foundation for kosen-rufu of the Pearl of the Orient! Various media and organizations in Hong Kong also expressed their condolences towards Daisaku Ikeda’s passing.

Tribute article from 香港01 >> link url

Tribute article from 香港電台網站 >> link url

Tribute article from 香港文匯網 >> link url

Tribute article from on.cc東網 >> link url

Tribute article from Yahoo! News >> link url

Tribute article from 明报 >> link url

Tribute article from 無綫新聞 >> link url

Tribute article from 881903 >> link url
#daisakuikedalegacy #ikedalegacy #mentorlegacy #daisakuikeda #daisakuikedasensei #sokagakkai #soka #bsgi #sgiusa #sgi #nichirenbuddhism #daisakuikedaquotes #mentorlegacy #創価学会 #創価 #创价学会 #池田大作 #池田先生 #池田大作传 #池田精神 #이케다다이사쿠 #창가학회