Article published from Seikyo Shimbun article on 24 November 2023.
Following Ikeda Sensei’s passing on 15 November 2023, a Soka Gakkai memorial service honoring his life and unparalleled contributions to kosen-rufu was held on 23 November at the Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo, Tokyo. The service was broadcast live to some 1,000 Soka Gakkai centers across Japan and included remarks by Senior Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda, Soka Gakkai Women’s Leader Kimiko Nagaishi and Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada.

Participants who attended the Soka Gakkai Memorial Service.With unending gratitude for their mentor, the members renewed their determination to continue to chronicle the monumental victories created by genuine disciples. (Tokyo Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo)
‘We Vow to Continue Advancing Kosen-rufu, Eternally by Your Side!’
Remarks on the Occasion of the Soka Gakkai Memorial Service
Kimiko Nagaishi
Soka Gakkai Women’s Leader

Soka Gakkai Women’s Leader, Kimiko Nagaishi
I received the sudden news of Ikeda Sensei’s passing on November 17. I had just attended the gongyo ceremony at the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu commemorating November 18.
My immediate feelings were of shock and profound grief, and then I received word asking me to participate in the funeral to be held by Sensei’s family members.
Together with Sensei’s wife, Kaneko, and other members of the immediate family, we did gongyo and chanted daimoku, led by Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada.
After we finished chanting, President Harada faced Sensei and voiced the profound appreciation and determined vow we are all feeling. It was a deeply moving ceremony—solemn and dignified—as our mentor embarked upon his journey to Eagle Peak.
Mrs Ikeda spoke to me warmly, embracing me with her words. I conveyed to her my limitless appreciation: “Thank you so very much. I will strive to do my utmost to respond to you and Sensei.”
Mrs Ikeda responded: “I’m counting on you. Please be strong. Do your best.” Her guidance was at once kind and firm. As someone who has single-mindedly advanced along the path of mentor and disciple, always one in spirit with Sensei, she was entrusting us with Sensei’s heart, and at that moment, I felt my resolve strengthen.
Then, trying to convey to her the sincere feelings of every one of us, I said, “Mrs Ikeda, we will be earnestly chanting that you lead a long, long life,” to which she replied, “Thank you, I will!”
Before leaving the room, Mrs Ikeda addressed Sensei, saying: “You really gave it your all, didn’t you?” At that moment, my heart was overcome with the profound appreciation of just how much Sensei and Mrs Ikeda have prayed and wished for nothing but the happiness of each member and that the Soka Gakkai is everything that it is today because of them.
Sensei! Thanks to you, how many people have been able to transform their karma, how many people have been able to do their human revolution and advance along the greatest path to happiness? It’s simply too many to count! The strong bonds between you and each one of us are eternal; they can never be destroyed.
We, your disciples, will never forget the struggles you have waged to protect your fellow members, boldly advancing through the storms of persecution with the courage of a lion, standing at the forefront, fully prepared to shield us from any attack.
Sensei, you have taught us: “The more that people believe in the inherent goodness of human beings, and the more we base our interactions on mutual respect, the stronger the current of respect for the dignity of life will become, spreading throughout the world. Ultimately, this will enable us to put an end to the cycle of conflict and hatred that seem to have defined the karma of humankind.”
We, your disciples, are determined to fulfill your desire for gardens of peace to expand to every corner of the world.
Forging ahead victoriously and in cheerful solidarity, we vow to continue advancing kosen-rufu, eternally by your side!
Sensei, just watch, watch us please!
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