On November 17, gatherings to celebrate Nov 18, Soka Schools Anniversary were held at Soka High Schools, Junior High Schools, and Elementary Schools in Tokyo and Kansai, and at Sapporo Soka Kindergarten in Hokkaido. A message from founder Daisaku Ikeda was sent in advance.

The students learnt of Ikeda Sensei’s death on November 18 the day after their commemorative meeting. While overwhelmed with grief, these successors expressed their determination to embrace the Soka’s spirit of “Never be defeated” entrusted to them by their school’s founder.

“Our victory is the victory of our founder. Advancing with solidarity, we will inherit the founding spirit of Ikeda Sensei and continue to propagate Sensei’s greatness forever.” (Tokyo High School, Boys)

“We are filled with gratitude to our founder for his continued encouragement. Based on the important guideline of “Your happiness can never be built on the misfortune of others”, we will continue to strive and pass on the spirit of Sensei.” (Kansai High School, Girls)

Full article source (Japanese): https://www.seikyoonline.com/article/66D2C1DC71B573EE942AF57D9908D472